Insolvency Division of the Republic of Estonia

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  • Company Address:

    Estonian Competition Authority
    TATARI 39
    10134 TALLINN

    phone numbers:
    +372 664 24 00
    +372 667 27 03

  • Scope of Role:

    Insolvency Division has three roles/tasks.

    I State supervision over assetless debtors. Role/tasks:
    a) to supervise the activities of the debtor and persons connected with it in connection with the bankruptcy proceedings of the debtor and
    b) to investigate potential unlawful conduct of the debtor and connected persons in causing insolvency.
    In the performance of its tasks, the Insolvency Division performs special audits and public investigations of bankruptcy proceedings and makes proposals to the bankruptcy trustee in conducting bankruptcy proceedings.

    II Administrative supervision over bankruptcy trustees:
    The Insolvency Division is responsible for exercising administrative supervision over bankruptcy trustees in bankruptcy proceedings regarding the lawful conduct of proceedings and the expediency of the costs of bankruptcy proceedings.

    III Development of common insolvency practice.
    Insolvency Division contributes to the development of common insolvency practices in bankruptcy, reorganisation and debt restructuring proceedings and in proceedings for the release of natural persons from their obligations.

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