Virtual Publication Launch - From Hibernation to Revitalization: Analysis of Insolvency COVID-19 Response Measures and their Wind-Down
This is a joint publication that is produced by The World Bank, INSOL International and The International Association of Insolvency Regulators.
It presents, critically analyses, and outlines key implications arising from data collected from a survey exploring the impact of COVID-19 on many jurisdictions across the world. The survey consists of feedback from 114 countries worldwide.
In this publication, the World Bank Group provides an overview of the insolvency and debt enforcement–related emergency response measures introduced in diverse jurisdictions.
INSOL International reports on and analyses the regional data in relation to these measures, based on feedback received from experienced insolvency practitioners globally.
The International Association of Insolvency Regulators offers useful insights from insolvency regulators on challenges in the insolvency regulatory arena during the COVID-19 recovery phase.
We invite you to join us for the virtual launch of this publication and look forward to your participation.
Please register using the link below: