Tumuhimbise Hamidu Higiro - Senior Registration & Compliance Officer,Uganda Registration Services Bureau
Hamidu T. Higiro is a Senior Regsitration and Compliance Offiicer in the Officie of the Officiial Reciever at, Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, where he is charged with the regulation of Insolvency Practitioners with empasis on ensuring compliance with the laws and established insolvency practices.
Prior to this, he worked as the Registrar of Companies in the office of the Registrar General of URSB. He previously worked with the World Bank under the Competitive Enterprise Development Project (CEDP) as a Legal Officer, working with a team to better the Ease of Doing Business (EDB) in Uganda. Prio to this period, he was in private legal practice.
He particiapted in a number of legal reforms including the most recent amendments to the Companies Act, Cap 106 and the Insolvency Act, Cap 108 (Laws of Uganda) and the attendant Regulations. He has participated in organising the Annual Insolvency Conference of Uganda in 2022, 2023 and 2024, where he has been a co-host. He holds a Degree in Law and a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice (Bar Course) from the Law Development Center, Kampala, Uganda. He is an enrolled Advocate, a member of the Uganda Law Society and the East African Law Society. He is the representative member for Uganda on the IAIR Diversity Community of Practice.