Recruitment, retention and pay of staff
From Trinidad and Tobago who are seeking help on the recruitment, retention and pay of staff.
Karen Seebaran-Blondet in Trinidad and Tobago is seeking some advice on recruitment and salary structures for staff.
She has recently completed a recruitment exercise for an officer in the position of Trustee and Regulatory Affairs Officer (TARAO).
However, she is seeking to align the remuneration of the TARAO with other similar positions in other jurisdictions and is enquiring as to what would be the ideal criteria to determine the salary that should be applied for this position. In the job description for the role there is the regulatory aspect, which carries a heavy weighting, but she feels it is underestimated in the salary scale.
Hence in relation to staff recruitment and pay she is interested to know:
- Whether any other members have problems attracting staff to any positions.
- Whether their government pay scale is able to reflect the specialist skills/knowledge required in insolvency.
- What criteria are used to determine the salary that should be applied to technical positions such as the role of TARAO.
- What programs of training do members offer to ensure that their "government employees" can get quickly up to speed in the specialist insolvency sector.
- She is also keen to benchmark her salary structure against other jurisdictions though she recognises that this may be more problematic when comparing her situation to other countries.
Your help as always will be much appreciated