International Conference on Creditors/Debtors Rights and Remedies - Bangkok
From 14/08/2018 to 16/08/2018
Hosted by the Director–General of the Legal Execution Department (LED), Ministry of Justice of the Kingdom of Thailand at which the IAIR was a guest speaker.
15th August 2018
toPlenary Session 1: “Trustees in Bankruptcy: Concepts and Principles of Assigning the Power of Controlling the Estate to Private Professionals from the International Perspective, Its Trends and ChallengesRosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive Director , Michael ChungPlenary Session 1: “Trustees in Bankruptcy: Concepts and Principles of Assigning the Power of Controlling the Estate to Private Professionals from the International Perspective, Its Trends and Challenges
From to Speakers: Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive Director , Michael Chung Room:The panelists will present the basic concepts and principles of
authorizing private professionals the power over the debtors’ estate in bankruptcy/reorganization proceedings. The participants will be learned from different perspectives; the representatives from the private international organizations (The International Association of Insolvency Regulators - IAIR and The International Union of Judicial Officers - UIHJ), scholar, and practitioners who are expert in this area.Members need to login for access to session documents
toPlenary Session 2: “Trustees in Bankruptcy: The Best Practices and Success Factors”Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive Director , Michael ChungPlenary Session 2: “Trustees in Bankruptcy: The Best Practices and Success Factors”
From to Speakers: Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive Director , Michael Chung Room:The panelists from both practicing and regulating sectors will share, from different points, their real experiences and best practices in administering the debtors’ estate and monitoring the processes. They will also give the ideas to the participants of what factors can contribute to the maximization of the estate as well as the challenges generally to deal with.
Members need to login for access to session documents
Link to the conference materials on the LED website
Full details of the conference can be obtained from:
- Conference Brochure
- Formal Gallery