UK & Ireland Regional Group - 2016 - Birmingham
The fifth meeting of the group was hosted by the UK Insolvency Service in The Priory Rooms Meeting & Conference Centre, Birmingham.
The group were welcomed by Sarah Albon, the Inspector General and Chief Executive of the UK Insolvency Service who provided an update on legislative changes and key priorities for the Insolvency Service.
Other topics discussed included:
- Disclaimers – law and practice;
- A new adjudicator system for debtor bankruptcies;
- Investigating dissolved companies;
- Developing a stakeholder engagement plan;
- Statistics and case forecasting; and
- Contracting out of insolvency services.

19th May 2016
toParticpants and AgendaParticpants and Agenda
From to Speakers: Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toWelcome and IntroductionSarah Albon - Chief Executive of the Insolvency Service for England and WalesWelcome and Introduction
From to Speakers: Sarah Albon - Chief Executive of the Insolvency Service for England and Wales Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toTour de Table – update on recent activity/developments in each countryTour de Table – update on recent activity/developments in each country
From to Speakers: Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toDisclaimers – law and practiceChristopher Lehane - Insolvency Service of IrelandDisclaimers – law and practice
From to Speakers: Christopher Lehane - Insolvency Service of Ireland Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toThe new adjudicator system for debtor bankruptciesRussell Burton, Neil SuttonThe new adjudicator system for debtor bankruptcies
From to Speakers: Russell Burton, Neil Sutton Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toInvestigating dissolved companiesConor O'Mahony - Recently retired Director of Enforcement, IrelandInvestigating dissolved companies
From to Speakers: Conor O'Mahony - Recently retired Director of Enforcement, Ireland Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toDay one wrap-upDean Beale - Inspector General and Chief Executive – The Insolvency Service of England and WalesDay one wrap-up
From to Speakers: Dean Beale - Inspector General and Chief Executive – The Insolvency Service of England and Wales Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
20th May 2016
toDeveloping a stakeholder engagement planAmelia PayneDeveloping a stakeholder engagement plan
From to Speakers: Amelia Payne Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toStatistics and case forecastingDavid Miller , John Perrett - Acting Head of Analysis & Performance, Strategy and Change Directorate, The Insolvency ServiceStatistics and case forecasting
From to Speakers: David Miller , John Perrett - Acting Head of Analysis & Performance, Strategy and Change Directorate, The Insolvency Service Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toContracting out of insolvency servicesRichard Monds - Director of NI Insolvency ServiceContracting out of insolvency services
From to Speakers: Richard Monds - Director of NI Insolvency Service Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toAOB/general discussion on matters arisingAOB/general discussion on matters arising
From to Speakers: Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toDay 2 wrap up, IAIR forward lookDean Beale - Inspector General and Chief Executive – The Insolvency Service of England and WalesDay 2 wrap up, IAIR forward look
From to Speakers: Dean Beale - Inspector General and Chief Executive – The Insolvency Service of England and Wales Room:Members need to login for access to session documents