IAIR Conference and AGM - 2012 - Wellington, New Zealand
The 2012 Annual Conference and AGM was held in Wellington, New Zealand and hosted by Neville Harris the Official Assignee for New Zealand. The conference theme was "Innovation in Insolvency Regulation".

The conference began with a drinks reception on Monday 15th October 2012 at the Museum of Wellington City and Sea. This is Wellington’s museum, celebrating Wellington’s social, cultural and maritime history. Housed in the historic Bond Store, the original architecture complements the exhibitions of precious objects and stunning technology.
http://www.museumswellington.org.nz/museum-of-wellington-city-and-sea/This event was kindly sponsored by Foster Moore. Foster Moore are the Registry people who provide innovative world class registry solutions to government agencies around the world including the New Zealand Insolvency and Trustee Service.
http://www.fostermoore.com/FORMAL CONFERENCE DINNER
The formal conference dinner was held on Tuesday 16th October in Te papa marae, level 4 of Te Papa Tongarewa Musuem. After the dinner there was a demonstration of the local dances from a number of the local southern Pacific islands.
The Informal dinner was held on Wednesday 17th October in Ortega Fish Shack at 16 Majoribanks Street, Wellington. Ortega Fish Shack & Bar serves fabulously fresh seafood in a relaxed and casual atmosphere with great service and a terrific beer and wine list.
http://www.ortega.co.nzCONFERENCE VENUE
The three day conference took place in Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand. The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is the national museum and art gallery of New Zealand, located in Wellington. It is branded and commonly known as Te Papa and Our Place; "Te Papa Tongarewa" is broadly translatable as "the place of treasures of this land". The museum's principles incorporate the concepts of unified collections; the narratives of culture and place; the idea of forum; the bicultural partnership between Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti; and an emphasis on diversity and multidisciplinary collaboration.
www.tepapa.govt.nzHOTEL ACCOMMODATION
The recommended accommodation for delegates of the IAIR was the Museum Art Hotel – a luxury boutique hotel just across the road from the conference venue.
Members were responsible for booking their own hotel rooms directly with the Hotel. -
15th October 2017
toEvent ProgrammeEvent Programme
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toIAIR Executive Committee Meeting (IAIR Executive Committee members only)IAIR Executive Committee Meeting (IAIR Executive Committee members only)
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toWelcome Reception at the Museum of Wellington City and SeaWelcome Reception at the Museum of Wellington City and Sea
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16th October 2017
toFormal Opening of the ConferenceHon Craig Foss - Minister of CommerceFormal Opening of the Conference
From to Speakers: Hon Craig Foss - Minister of Commerce Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toWelcome from the Conference ChairNick HowardWelcome from the Conference Chair
From to Speakers: Nick Howard Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toChallenges and InnovationNeville HarrisChallenges and Innovation
From to Speakers: Neville Harris Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toMorning Tea/Coffee and NetworkingMorning Tea/Coffee and Networking
From to Speakers: Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toInternational Insolvencies – A Judicial PerspectiveHon Justice Paul HeathInternational Insolvencies – A Judicial Perspective
From to Speakers: Hon Justice Paul Heath Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toFormal Group PhotographFormal Group Photograph
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toCanterbury earthquakes - natural disasters and consequences for insolvenciesKeiran HorneCanterbury earthquakes - natural disasters and consequences for insolvencies
From to Speakers: Keiran Horne Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toAfternoon Tea/Coffee and NetworkingAfternoon Tea/Coffee and Networking
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toBankruptcy Lite – an evaluation of New Zealand’s No Asset ProcedureDavid BartleBankruptcy Lite – an evaluation of New Zealand’s No Asset Procedure
From to Speakers: David Bartle Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toSummary and Close for the DayNick HowardSummary and Close for the Day
From to Speakers: Nick Howard Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toFormal Conference DinnerFormal Conference Dinner
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17th October 2017
toCriminal asset seizure in global contextMadeleine Laracy, Peter Devoy, Guy SayersCriminal asset seizure in global context
From to Speakers: Madeleine Laracy, Peter Devoy, Guy Sayers Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toMorning Tea/Coffee and NetworkingMorning Tea/Coffee and Networking
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toDelegates round table discussion - Most recent innovation in each jurisdiction - Biggest challenge in each jurisdictionDelegates round table discussion - Most recent innovation in each jurisdiction - Biggest challenge in each jurisdiction
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toAfternoon Tea/Coffee and NetworkingAfternoon Tea/Coffee and Networking
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toDelegates round table discussion - continued IAIR member presentationDelegates round table discussion - continued IAIR member presentation
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toSummary and Close for the dayNick HowardSummary and Close for the day
From to Speakers: Nick Howard Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
18th October 2017
toRecent developments at the Insolvency and Trustee Service, AustraliaVeronique Anne IngramRecent developments at the Insolvency and Trustee Service, Australia
From to Speakers: Veronique Anne Ingram Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toINSOL and World Bank Group UpdatesMark Robinson, Christine BowersINSOL and World Bank Group Updates
From to Speakers: Mark Robinson, Christine Bowers Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toMorning Tea/Coffee and NetworkingMorning Tea/Coffee and Networking
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toGuided tour of Te Papa behind the scenesGuided tour of Te Papa behind the scenes
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toBankruptcy law reform in ScotlandRosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive DirectorBankruptcy law reform in Scotland
From to Speakers: Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive Director Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toInternational Association of Insolvency Regulators Annual General Meeting—(IAIR members only) and IAIR projects report back IAIRInternational Association of Insolvency Regulators Annual General Meeting—(IAIR members only) and IAIR projects report back IAIR
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toNon IAIR members—demonstration of the New Zealand electronic case management and trust account systemNon IAIR members—demonstration of the New Zealand electronic case management and trust account system
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toFormal handover of the IAIR from New Zealand (host of 2012) to Scotland (host of 2013)Mandy McDonald, Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive DirectorFormal handover of the IAIR from New Zealand (host of 2012) to Scotland (host of 2013)
From to Speakers: Mandy McDonald, Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE - IAIR Executive Director Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
toSummary and Close of the ConferenceNick HowardSummary and Close of the Conference
From to Speakers: Nick Howard Room:Members need to login for access to session documents
- Conference Brochure
- Formal Gallery